Friday, April 23, 2010

Game Show Friday

This is one of the game shows I used to watch as a kid.  I found a great idea online from another seminary teacher using the concept of this game to teach 3 Nephi 28.  I usually have to take these online ideas and morph them to accomodate my class size and personalities.  What we re-named "Seminary Student Squares" turned out to be a great way to learn this chapter.  I have to admit, we're all pretty wiped out by the time Fridays roll around.  This game was a welcome change from the norm.....

I set up one of our long seminary tables at the front of the room.  In front of that, I set up 3 classroom chairs, and in front of that, I set up 3 little children's chairs. (I teach in the Primary room, so the little chairs are readily available.)  I had 3 students sit on the table, 3 in the regular chairs, and 3 on the Primary chairs so they formed a slant downward facing the rest of the class.  Those were our "celebrities" who would form our Tic-Tac-Toe grid.  The other students were separated into two groups; "X's" and "O's".  They worked in these two groups to be our "contestants".

I started class by having them all read 3 Nephi 28:2-9.  When they were finished, we started Round 1.  I had 9 "celebrities" move into the Tic-Tac-Toe grid, I handed them the list of 10 questions AND answers from the scripture block, and we started the game.  I gave them the questions so they would be prepared for what I would ask, and I gave them the answers so they could think of an alternate answer just in case they wanted to fool the "contestants".  The "X's" began by choosing a "celebrity" in the grid.  I'd ask that person a question.  He/she would answer the question with a true answer, or an answer they made up.   The "contestant" would either AGREE or DISAGREE with their answer (based on their knowledge of the scripture block they just read), and we'd give the "celebrity" either an "X" or an "O" to hold based on whether their answer was right or not.  This ended up being tons of fun, and in between questions, we were able to discuss details of the chapter. 

We continued the game playing a total of 3 rounds, covering the entire chapter.   We actually brought out quite a bit of lesson material about the twelve Nephite disciples/apostles, the three Nephites, and translated beings.  This account is quite fascinating.   We discussed the blessings which were given to these men, and what was so special about the desire the three Nephites had that they would be promised eternal life.  We discussed the difference between tranfiguration and translation, and I discounted every strange and weird rumor/speculation they had heard about the three Nephites.   Hahaha. 

I know how hard it is to get up early each day to come to seminary.  It's a sacrifice for everyone.  But one which brings blessings.  With that in mind, I don't believe in wasting their time by just playing games at seminary.  I promised my class that I would always have something significant to teach them, even on a game day.  Today was no exception.  I left seminary with a great feeling that they had learned the material in a fun and unique way.   I believe the youth need to relax and PLAY together as a part of growing close to one another.  Personalities come out, shyness disappears, laughter wakes us up, competitiveness turns to fun, and memories are shared of a fun time with good people. 


  1. This was actually the only game I ever liked to play with my class...I loved Hollywood Squares as a kid too!

  2. I just wanted to check in and tell you how much I respect and appreciate seminary teachers. My parents were converts to the church, and I pretty much got the basics in seminary. After 20 years of inactivity (long story), it was the basics I'd learned in seminary that really pulled me back. I guess I felt a little like Joseph Smith. While I hadn't seen any visions, I had a testimony, and I knew God knew it, and when push came to shove, I couldn't deny it. I gained that testimony in seminary. I'm a Relief Society President now--the hardest thing I've ever done in my life--but it is not as hard as what you do. I can't even imagine what you go through every day! Thank you for doing what you do! You are making a difference in lives. You may not see it now, and it make take 20 years for it all to sink in, but you ARE making a difference.
