I have completed the year! My seniors have had their last day of seminary for the rest of their lives (until they're called to be seminary teachers)! I have 14 seniors graduating this year, and I am so proud of them. I wasn't too diligent with blogging my lessons toward the end. But here are my last thoughts for the book of Moroni.
As I was reading the book of Moroni, I noticed that the entire book had a theme; the Holy Ghost. Chapters 2-6 are instructions on how to operate and organize the church. Basic church ordinances are mentioned, and they are all to be performed by the power of the Holy Ghost or in preparation to receiving the Holy Ghost. Chapters 7-8 give us direction on how to discern good from evil by the Spirit of Christ. Each of us is born with the light of Christ. By following this light, we can be led to lay hold upon every good thing, which good cometh of Christ. We're also taught to exercise faith, hope, and charity, and how those things bring the Holy Ghost to dwell with us continually.
In contrast to the previous chapters, Chapter 9 shows us what happens to a society of people who no longer have the Spirit to dwell with them after being a Zion people. This chapter probably hit me the hardest. Mormon is describing a people (the Nephites) who have degenerated to canibalism, hatred, family abuse, sexual offenses, perversion, murder, and torture. They are without civilization and are "past feeling". They are beyond being affected by the Holy Ghost.
In Moroni 10:4-5 (one of our Scripture Masteries this year), Moroni promises us that if we read the Book of Mormon and ponder the words we read in our hearts, God will manifest the truth of the book to us by the power of the Holy Ghost. We must specifically ask Him if it's true. We must be sincere and have true intentions to act upon what we have read (which is an exertion of our faith). Because the Book of Mormon IS TRUE, our faith will access this power! That's a promise from a prophet of the Lord, who is the keyholder of the record of the Stick of Ephraim. Moroni was the principle figure in the transmission of the record to this dispensation, and the protector of this record.
I prefer my class work through their impressions and figure things out on their own rather than me feeding them my thoughts. So I asked my class, "Why do you think the Book of Mormon ends with so much emphasis on the Holy Ghost?" Here are a few of their answers:
* It's really important, in these last days, for us to discern what is true from what is not, and that will be taught to us by the Holy Ghost.
* By qualifying for the presence of the Holy Ghost, it protects us from becoming hardened, so we don't become like the Nephites and Jaredites.
* The Holy Ghost keeps us from being deceived by Satan. Sometimes what looks good to our eyes is deceiving. If we listen to the Holy Ghost with our hearts, regardless of what "looks" good, we will always be led to good.
* The Holy Ghost will teach us the truths in the Book of Mormon, which was written for us. We don't always understand everything we read in the Book of Mormon, but if we keep the Holy Ghost with us, He will keep teaching us new things as we are ready to learn.
* Moroni knows that we need the Holy Ghost, more than anything, to bring us to Christ.